Is it poor to have my cats declawed?

My view on feline declawing is that every feline owner should make her own decision. Declawing a feline is not inhumane. It is a reasonable choice for people who want to own a feline and nice furniture.

I don’t feel so poor for the pampered indoor cats that get declawed since I understand these cats are lucky to online in houses where they are loved.

Many cats are not so lucky.

In 2010, 446 impounded cats were killed in our three regional pounds found in Fargo (N.D.), West Fargo (N.D.) as well as Moorhead (Minn.), according to the pound stats reported by Adopt-A-Pet of Fargo-Moorhead.

I do not feel poor for cats that online in houses without their claws while so many cats are killed in pounds.

Josh as well as I got a new couch Friday, so now we are dealing with the concern most feline owners ask at some point:

Should we declaw our cats or not?

Josh is all for it, as well as I’m on the fence so we most likely will have Beamer as well as Scout declawed eventually.

I’ve written about the pros as well as cons of declawing a feline before, so I won’t repeat myself here.

Instead, I want to share my personal handle this problem since I do believe it is a personal option for each feline owner. I’m not telling you what to do. I’m just explaining my point of view as a feline owner who likes her cats extremely much.

Personally, I want to do all I can to teach my cats not to scratch the furniture. If nothing works, then I am 100 percent in favor of declawing them.

So right now we are mentor them they are not enabled on the couch at all (I know, I know. just hold off on the laughter a bit). Dogs are not enabled on the new couch, so the cats aren’t either.

It’s not just the actual scratching from cats that damages furniture. It’s years of cats “kneading” into the pillows with their claws as the get comfortable as well as relaxed. It’s years of jumping onto the arms as well as the back of the couch. It’s years of wrestling as well as playing on the couch.

So we’re trying a new concept: No cats allowed.

Our cats respond quite well to a voice correction – “Hey!” vagy nem!” We utilize that if they approach the couch, as well as we likewise have a water bottle nearby. We haven’t had to utilize it yet. The cats have lots of other seating choices such as an old chair, pet beds as well as a new, two-level scratching post. Their preferred area is Ace’s dog bed.

To keep my cats entertained, I’ve been making sure to play with them every day. We play chasing as well as pouncing games so they have less energy for scratching the couch. I’m likewise trying to rotate their scratching posts to keep things interesting, as well as to rotate their toys as well as randomly put treats as well as catnip on their appropriate scratching as well as sleeping places.

And obviously I’m keeping their nails clipped.

When we can’t supervise our cats, we put them in our laundry space (their catpartment).We’ve been doing this for months already since Beamer eats whatever in sight, as well as Scout … well, he poops on rugs ?

I truly don’t believe these attempts will stop them from scratching the couch, however I’ll feel much better if I provide them this chance.

It does assist that Scout as well as Beamer are 6 as well as 8 years old – not kitties – as well as they sleep for a great 19 hours per day.

Isn’t it inhumane to declaw a cat?

You have to choose what is right for you as well as your cats. There are always going to be people who tell you it’s cruel to declaw a cat. There are always going to be people who believe that declawing an indoor feline is just what you do. checked out up on the pros as well as cons of declawing a feline as well as discuss it with your cat’s vet.

It’s never made a whole great deal of sense to me exactly how some people can be so against declawing cats however so in favor of spaying as well as neutering cats.

People will utilize specific points to suggest against declawing, however then they will totally ignore those exact same points when it comes to spaying/neutering.

Here are the most typical examples:

Declawing a feline will cause the feline pain.

Yes, declawing a feline triggers pain, however so does spaying/neutering a cat. any type of surgical treatment will cause at least some amount of pain for an animal.

Declawing a feline is far less invasive than eliminating her ovaries as well as uterus, a procedure most feline owners do not believe twice about.

Declawing a feline is practical for the owner.

Of program it’s practical to own a feline that doesn’t ruin residential or commercial property with his claws. It’s likewise practical to own a sterilized feline that doesn’t spray everywhere or go into heat.

Beamer marked in the home rigHT -t addig addig, amíg a napig nem ivották (szegény gazember). Hasonlóképpen folytatja a karcolását, amíg van a karmai. Ő egy macska!

A macska kijelentése nem szükséges.

A macska kijelentése nem szükséges, azonban a macska sterilizálása.

Néhányan azt javasolják, hogy a macska populációjának ellenőrzéséhez spaying/semlegesítés szükséges. Fontos a macska populációjának ellenőrzése, azonban a macskák sterilizálása nem az egyetlen módszer ennek elérésére. A macskatulajdonosok megakadályozhatják a nem sterilizált macskák tenyésztését azáltal, hogy otthonában, valamint a többi nem sterilizált macskától távol tartják őket.

Mások azt sugallják, hogy a macska spayingre van szükség, mivel ez csökkenti az emlőmirigy -daganatok, a petefészekrák és a méhrák veszélyét. Nem vagyok meggyőződve arról, hogy ez egy valódi ok arra, hogy minden női macskát megpillantsunk.

A testrészek, például a petefészek eltávolítása megszabadul a jövőbeli rák lehetőségétől a testrészek számára. Ugyanakkor, mivel egy macskának petefészke van, nem azt jelenti, hogy nagy a veszélye a petefészekrák kialakulására.

A Gerald P. Murphy Cancer Alapítvány kutatási tanulmánya szerint a kutya petefészkeinek eltávolítása valóban csökkentheti élettartamát. A Purdue Egyetem Állatorvosi Klinikai Tudományok Tanszéke szerint a sterilizáció hozzájárulhat a kutyák specifikus rákjaihoz.

Ted Kerasote, a „Merle’s Door” szerzője, 2012 őszén jelenik meg a „Why Dogs Die Young” című könyv, valamint ezekkel a rendkívül kérdésekkel foglalkozik. Alig várom, hogy megnézhessem.

A kedvtelésből tartott állatok tulajdonosai követelmények, hogy megvizsgálják az állatok sterilizálásának előnyeit, valamint a macskák kijelentésének, valamint a saját döntéseik meghozatalának hátrányait. Ezek személyes választások. Amire szükség van vagy nem szükséges, vitatható.

Hogy deklaráljon, vagy ne dekling?

A Beamer és a Scout idővel elpusztított egy kanapét. Valószínűleg tönkreteszik egy másikat.

A macskáimat egy-két héten átadom a fenti „viselkedésmódosítási” tervet, majd újra meglátogatom a deklaring kérdést. Meghatároztam, hogy rendben vagyok, ha kijelenti őket, ha nem hagyják el egyedül a kanapét.

Rendkívül nagyon szeretem a macskáimat. Nagyszerű életük van.

Fotó: Tawna Whitford

Fotó: Tawna Whitford

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