10 reasons Not to get fake pet dog lawn Pads

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Fake indoor lawn pads for dogs

Reasons not to use fake lawn or pee pads for dogs

1. training a pet dog to use pee pads won’t be easy

2. The pet dog will get walked less

3. owners of small dogs have enough problems with housebreaking

4. people don’t change the pad typically enough

5. Pee pads for dogs won’t take away all issues

6. Some dogs eat their own poop

7. What about dogs that lift their legs?

8. There are other options than pee pads if you work long hours

9. fake lawn pads for dogs are not the same as a litter box

10. Dogs are not as sanitary as cats

What’s your opinion on fake indoor lawn for dogs?

Fake indoor lawn pads for dogs

Fake indoor lawn pads and puppy pee pads are products created as indoor bathrooms for dogs.

I am not a fan of these products because I’ve just seen too lots of problems where the pads make dogs even a lot more confused. The dogs end up peeing next to the pads or on small rugs and pillows that resemble a pad.

Despite my obvious bias, I understand these products are valuable for potty training some puppies and of course they can be valuable for people with physical disabilities or for certain dogs with disabilities.

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I understand some people need to use pee pads or fake lawn for dogs if they work long hours and have limited options for pet dog care. Értem.

One of the most common reasons cited for using indoor pee pads is it’s too hazardous for a small pet dog to be outside due to wild animals (hawks, gators, coyotes). I would personally choose to let the small pet dog out on a leash and be out with the dog, but that is not what everyone chooses to do.

I personally am not a fan of using any type of indoor shower room for dogs in general. For the average dog, I really recommend you start potty training your puppy outside immediately.

Here’s why:

Reasons not to use fake lawn or pee pads for dogs

1. training a pet dog to use pee pads won’t be easy

In my experience, the pet dog owners who get pee pads get the product because they think their dogs can’t “hold it” when really the pet dog is not potty trained.

So instead of training the pet dog to go potty outside, they plop down some pads on the ground. What this does is confuse the pet dog even further.

If you do decide to use indoor pee pads, it’s crucial to take a couple of weeks to appropriately train your pet dog to use the pads.

This involves taking the pet dog to the pad multiple times per day (on a leash) and satisfying them for using the pad.

It also indicates you must leave your pet dog in a crate or small gated area when you can’t supervise so she doesn’t sneak off and have accidents.

Unfortunately, I see a lot of pet dog owners who think they can just plop some pads on the ground and the dogs will know what to do.

Do you know how lots of times I’ve heard “She just doesn’t get it!” That’s because you have to show her!

2. The pet dog will get walked less

Most dogs don’t get walked enough already. Yes, I do understand the need for these products. I do. However, I also know people use the pee pads as an excuse not to head outside and walk their dogs.

It’s bad enough that so lots of small dogs get nothing a lot more than a five-minute walk to ease themselves. now some are lucky if they get outside at all.

3. owners of small dogs have enough problems with housebreaking

We all know at least one person who owns a Yorkie, Maltese, Chihuahua or Pomeranian that pees in the house. I’m not talking about old dogs that can’t hold it. I’m talking about 2-year-old dogs that still aren’t potty trained.

If the owner can’t train her pet dog to go to the shower room outside (one of the easiest things to show a dog), how will she train her pet dog to pee on fake grass? This will only encourage the pet dog to pee on carpet, rugs, couches and mattresses.

I regrettably saw a lot of examples of this as a professional pet sitter.

See my post: how to train my pet dog to use pee pads.

4. people don’t change the pad typically enough

One of the top problems I see is pet dog owners leave the pads out too long and the pet dog doesn’t want to step on a used pad. So what does he do? He pees next to the pad.

If you decide to use puppy potty pads or indoor fake grass, you’ll have a lot more success if you can keep the area clean for your dog.

5. Pee pads for dogs won’t take away all issues

The average housebroken pet dog can go five or six hours without a potty break (or longer).

If you are leaving your petdog home for shorter periods and she is having accidents, there might be a bigger issue than her not being able to hold it. She could have a bladder infection or anxiety or she genuinely is not potty trained.

If you have recently moved, she might not understand where she can and can’t go to the bathroom. purchasing indoor fake lawn is unlikely to fix these problems.

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6. Some dogs eat their own poop

Let’s face it, lots of of them do. I think this would be too tempting for a lot of dogs. Some dogs will eat their poop and their owners won’t even know it because they’re not home!

7. What about dogs that lift their legs?

Are you going to get him a few fake trees and bushes to go along with that grass? Or maybe he’ll just pee on the wall?

8. There are other options than pee pads if you work long hours

Dogs shouldn’t be left alone for too long regularly if we can avoid it. lots of people who work long shifts have dogs, but they come home during their breaks, take their dogs to daycare or hire a pet dog walker or pet sitter or ask a pal to help.

Dogs are pack animals and need interaction and exercise. Leaving a pet dog home for 12 hours or a lot more several days a week is generally not fair to the dog.

Yes, it can work for some. There are exceptions. Some senior dogs will gladly sleep all day and maybe a pee pad is a good solution.

I also understand often you simply don’t have options for pet dog care due to financial reasons or aggression and maybe pee pads are your best choice.

9. fake lawn pads for dogs are not the same as a litter box

Cats conceal after themselves. Dogs won’t be covering up anything! They’ll probably step ideal in it.

Or maybe they’ll do that thing where they kick their back legs and fling some poop onto your carpet!

My pet dog Ace had an bothersome routine of walking while he pooped! If I bought fake lawn pads for him, he would probably walk ideal off the edge!

See my post: My pet dog pees ideal next to the potty pad!

10. Dogs are not as sanitary as cats

Cats are naturally clean animals. Dogs are not. Dogs are careless. They roll in things and they eat garbage, dead animals and poop. and they’d normally like to go to the bathroom outside, away from their “den” area.

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What’s your opinion on fake indoor lawn for dogs?

As you can see, I’m absolutely opinionated on this. Tudom. I do understand these types of products are terrific for the ideal dogs. If you use pee pads for your dogs, let us know how they’ve helped you in the comments.

For a lot more information, check out my post on 10 reasons to buy fake indoor lawn for dogs.

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